by Noelledeva Hanuse Young

I feel blessed with my work for the past two and half years as the counsellor for Indigenous students at a university on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

I see 20-25 domestic, international and Indigenous students a week. About 90% of them struggle with anxiety and depression, while some suffer from serious trauma in their lives. I am always astounded at how the Changing Breath and Blanket Cover can transform their whole being so quickly. I witness daily how a person can go from being absolutely broken to feeling lighter and hopeful in just one session.

We learn how to teach these techniques through a number of courses at the SevaLight Retreat Centres for Self Realization, Pure Meditation Healing & Counselling. I have also been providing workshops at the university as well as in Indigenous communities, and they are gratefully welcomed. Participants have said, “this is the most important thing I have learned”, “this is life changing”, and one who struggled with addictions, said, “I came back to myself when I practiced these breaths”.

Another person who experienced a dire trauma, said she was able to feel in charge of herself and her life for the first time since the incident. Not only do these tools help the students, they help me as a counsellor and healer to calm and balance myself, to ground myself, and come back to the love and light within.

It is an honour and privilege to know and practice these breaths and techniques, and I would love to teach them to even more souls so all can feel the sense of safety, peace, and contentment they bring.

Noelledeva Hanuse Young

Noelledeva Hanuse Young

British Columbia, Canada

Noelledeva Hanuse-Young is from the Wuikinuxv and Klahoose Nations of BC. Her academic journey is wide-ranging, with two education degrees and a counselling degree. She also holds diplomas in Intuitive Counselling, Pure Spiritual Healing and SevaLight Hatha Yoga from the SevaLight Retreat Centre for Self Realization Pure Meditation Healing & Counselling. Additionally, she is a teacher of Pure Meditation, Pure Meditative Peace, and Energy Care & Wellbeing. Noelledeva says her training at the SevaLight centres provides a strong spiritual foundation, without which, she could not do this work with the depth of wisdom and love that is needed.
