Sevalight Retreat Centre For
Pure Meditation
Schull West Cork Ireland P81 TK35
Tel: +353 83 185 2737
Email: [email protected]
This Centre is an Affiliate of the Self Realization Sevalight Centres worldwide.
We offer in-depth Pure Meditation Course training, on two levels.
Pure Meditation (including Raja, Kriya and Guru Yoga) is the foundation of the Centre’s work.
With the direct guidance of our beloved Master Guru ~ Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharmaji ~ this beautiful in-depth Course retains the spiritual essence of the Masters’ teachings and is now accessible for all seeking souls in 21st century lives.
Taught residentially over one week initially with a follow on 2- day course after approximately 6 months ~ and thereafter 2- days annually ~ this sacred art and science will bring you to the open door of your Self Realization ~ through the inner guidance of the beloved Guru Master ~ you will receive all you need to find your pathway forward.

It takes 1 – 2 hours either individually or in a small group to learn this valuable practice ~ and if you start with even 5-10 minutes daily home practice ~ you will feel the benefits.
The Centre also offers Pure Spiritual Healing, Intuitive Counselling, Yoga Therapy sessions as well as personal and silent retreats ~ throughout the year.
In line with government guidelines some gatherings and courses are currently available on-line via zoom.
All are welcome to enquire how we can be of help to you.
Sacred Place
All are welcome to enquire how we can be of help to you.
Sacred Home
This Centre is an Affiliate of the Self Realization Sevalight Centres worldwide.
Contact Sevalight Ireland Centre