Articles of Mata Yogananda

What is True Friendship
What is True Friendship? Well, true friendship is broad and inclusive. It should exist between husband, wife, lovers,...
Trust Yourself
Trust yourself, allowing unbidden thoughts to come in, for you to re-think and go forward, opening up to receive the...
Steady As You Go
My Spirit is forceful energy that speeds my body ~ the boat; my clothes ~ the sails; and myself ~ the Captain, sailing...
Sowing well ~ to reap well
Sowing well ~ to reap well is a just law. To sow badly and to reap of that bad sowing, is also a just law. Infinite...
Right and Wrong Habits
Right and wrong habits. Habits of thought are mental magnets that attract specific things relative to their kind and...
Prayer can Move Mountains
Prayer is all powerful. By praying you are calling humbly on the Divine Energy to help you. Heartfelt prayer...
Meditation & Patience
I would like to just mention meditation a little tonight for all of you that are here. There’s much in meditation that...
Intellect, Intelligence and Common Sense
When you try to perceive within, the door is opened to you, in accordance to your ability Your ability of being still...
Illnesses ~ Dis-eases in General
No one person wishes or wants to be ill or have a dis-ease in any part of the mind or body, unless, that is, we have...
If Stars Shine at Night
If stars shine at night Then the Father shines more through you. If the moon brings forth energy How much more is in...
How to Love the Infinite Beloved
How to Love the “Infinite Beloved” If I were a bird I would sing to you. If a flower my perfume would send delights...
God Preconceptions and Discriminations
My dear worldwide family, my love and blessings go out to you as always. I want to talk with you about God....