Mata Yogananda
Mahasaya Dharma
Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharmaji is the founder ~ Spiritual head and patron of the Self Realization Sevalight Centres for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling and patron of the Self Realization Sevalight Associates Worldwide.
She is a Guru, and through her deep wisdom and unconditional love has shown, for those who are searching, how to find deeper meaning in life and connection with their true self, bringing peace, love and the freedom that many long for. Her way has always been to teach through example, to show how putting spiritual principles and practices into life, you can bring about profound, positive, lasting changes. By putting the spiritual science of Pure Meditation into your life, all aspects of life can be improved, and, if the desire is there, Self Realization can be found in this life time.
Mata Yoganandaji’s deep wisdom shines as a bright light, guiding the way through life’s problems and difficulties on any level of being, helping souls to find their own wisdom and fulfill their true potential.
“The Door Is Open For You”
Listen to the audio recording of a talk given by
Mata Yoganandaji: