Sevalight Hatha Yoga
Teacher Training Course
Professional Training Course in Sevalight Hatha Yoga teacher training to Diploma Qualification.
The new name of SevaLight reflects the changing evolutionary state of all, and the forward momentum of our work. A Yoga form, blessed by a Master, taught by those wishing to help and serve in unconditional love ~ helping each student to find a deeper knowing and understanding of their own balance (Hatha meaning balance) and needs ~ whether just for the hour they manage to set aside in their week to attend a class; or for taking the tools and learning into life
Natural beneficial side effects include reduced tension and pain, increased fitness, flexibility and stamina, helps healing of body and calming of mind; learning to bring a greater peace, strength and balance to everyday life ~ a centred-ness that goes beyond what you would normally expect after simply moving, stretching and resting for 1¼ hours!
Sevalight Hatha Yoga Teachers are trained to work with anyone of any physical ability and need, and, in these days of modern technology ~ appointments can also be by Skype or Zoom ~ so are not limited to locality.

is on-site at the Centre with other trainees, for those unable
to attend the on-site course, this online option is available.
Learn On-site at a
Self Realization Sevalight Centre

Hatha Yoga
Teacher Training Modules :

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Yoga Teacher Training
Hatha Yoga Teacher Training at the Self Realization Sevalight Centre is both a way to develop and deepen your own Yoga practice and experience while learning to teach others. Consequently, yoga teachers find the training a deeply rewarding, enjoyable and healing experience.
Because of the nature of this Yoga teacher training it is necessary for students to have an established Meditation or Meditative Peace practise, so that you can go to depth in your understanding of your own and others’ needs.
Contact the Centre to register your interest or with any questions you may have.

Sevalight Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course