by Mariananda Exley
What exciting times we live in ~ truly a time to feel our spirit moving freely and joyfully homeward bound. When I heard the names ‘SevaLight’ and read about ‘SevaLight associates’ it all fitted beautifully into place, in my thinking, and i rejoiced that we could come together in this way. I have been reflecting on what this means to me.
Many of us I know have been ‘Lightworking’ in our own way and sometimes we ‘beam’ into one another for sharing or support, which is lovely. But you know i was thinking that I feel so much more stronger in my self, and Gurudeva’s love and guidance which is ever present is even brighter and more clearer than ever to me, as i know it is for many.
We are independent beacons of light who are all unique and special and wonderfully varied and we all have so many different skills and talents that we can bring to our global spiritual family. Now feels such a special time to join together as one flame of light not only to strengthen ourselves ~ and those who come ~ but to make thirsty those who aren’t aware as yet of their divine heritage.
As kriyabans we are working towards oneness and what better way to further Gurudeva’s mission than to open our arms and reach out our hands around the world ~ linking together as one worldwide family of unconditional love.
It feels even more important now at this stage of my own evolution and from what i can see of the world ~ that we grow strong where we are ~ and at the same time stand strong in unity and harmony with other devotees.
Just as i was thinking of starting this writing I heard a female professor of astrophysics in France on the radio stating that ‘in 21st century physics dark matter doesn’t exist’ – that it is only dark because it is unknown and not yet transparent with light.
How apt I thought. We who are blessed with the light of understanding and love can change our own vibration by that powerful connection to Gurudeva and the grace of God ~ how much more powerful can we be together.
Someone said to me recently ‘we must learn to embrace change’ and you know i disagree ~ change has already embraced us ~ and right now Gurudeva’s deep love has shown us that not only do we have wings but that we can soar.
I give thanks to the Masters of Self Realization ~ for the blessing of Gurudeva ~ and for being a part of her worldwide mission of love ~ as a SevaLight global family.

Mariananda Exley
West Cork, Ireland
Mariananda has been a spiritual teacher and therapist for over 25 years, having lives and trained under the close guidance the Master, Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma.
She has taught and lectured overseas in Canada, New Zealand and throughout the UK. Mariananda has established the Quiet House, a Retreat Centre in West Cork, Ireland where she offers both personal and silent retreats as well as courses and therapies throughout the year. Mariananda has a very grounded yet deeply spiritual approach to her work which she considers to be a joy and privilege.