
Animal Healing Course

Professional Training Course in Intuitive Listening & Communication Skills Course to Diploma Qualification

Working with love and respect for all animals, this course shows you how to help enhance the animals’ quality of life and to stimulate their body’s own healing mechanism.

This is usually a two day course held at one of the Self Realization Sevalight Centres and at other Centres around the world and is for those who wish to learn how to give Pure Spiritual Healing to animals. Usually only small numbers are taken on the Animal Healing Course and advanced bookings are recommended.

This is a very practical and supportive course giving students all they need to use this beautiful discipline professionally or in their own home; whichever they desire.

When considering animal healing we also need to look at the part people play in the health and well–being of animals. An holistic approach is used in order to deepen our understanding of the balance between animals, man, and the world we live in. By seeing the body–mind–spirit as interconnected levels, and honouring each as having an important role, every aspect of an animal’s being is able to benefit from the healing.

A practical hands-on course teaching you
how to turn your love of animals into
healing for them.

Specialist knowledge for particularly needy cases, animal behaviour, starting a practice, administration and how to manage your energy as an animal healer are among the many different aspects covered in the course.

The theoretical basis of healing is presented, giving special consideration to its application to animals. We give healing to a variety of animals in different environments, giving students as broad an experience as possible in the two days. Work with pets and farm animals is covered, as well as addressing the different needs of wild animals. The Centre is available at all times for further training and support.

Diploma holders of the Pure Spiritual Healing Course who take the Animal Healing course and gain experience as an animal healer may apply to attend the Animal Healing Certificate Assessment.

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Animal Healing Courses

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