Audio Recordings
These messages of unconditional love, wisdom and Truth, from the heart of a Divine Master, are given to help us forward in our progress in life.
Recorded in various places through the years, these important messages are deeply spiritual and full of unconditional love and wisdom, and are also practical and relevant to life today. Mata Yoganandaji’s words will touch your heart and enrich your life ~ and will help you to make great progress in all aspects of our life’s path.
The audio recordings are available as Collections for the Inspiring Talks series and The World As It Is; and many of the inspired recordings are available to download as individual tracks.
Also available to download are the original recordings of Mata Yoganandaji singing Divinely inspired Song~Soul Chants for us, and to the Divine Creator.
All sales go towards production and distribution of Mata Yoganandaji’s books and audio recordings.
Precious Jewels!
We lovingly ask for your help to raise funds towards printing and distribution of Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharmaji’s beautiful, loving teachings around the world.
Any donation received is humbly appreciated and will be deeply blessed.
These teachings are the ancient Spiritual Science in practical, modern form and are relevant to anyone in any walk of life – helping so much to bring peace and positivity to all life’s situations.
Showing 25–36 of 73 results
Going Forward and Awareness
$3.95 -
Inspiring Talks Collection 2
$11.95 -
Inspiring Talks Collection 3
$11.95 -
Inspiring Talks Collection 4
$11.95 -
Inspiring Talks Collection 6
$11.95 -
Inspiring Talks Collection 5
$11.95 -
Inspiring Talks Collection 7
$11.95 -
Inspiring Talks Collection 8
$11.95 -
Master Emotions for Health and Happiness
$3.95 -
Meditation & Patience
$3.95 -
More on the Ego