If stars shine at night Then the Father shines more through you. If the moon brings forth energy How much more is in you. If you love Then how much more you are loved. If the sun brings forth life Then how much more does the Creator do. Have the knowledge That as your...
How to Love the “Infinite Beloved” If I were a bird I would sing to you. If a flower my perfume would send delights of celestial love. As a butterfly, I would hover in your presence at all times. As a dog, lie at your feet: The cat would guard you jealously from...
My dear worldwide family, my love and blessings go out to you as always. I want to talk with you about God. “Preconceptions and Discriminations” would be a good name for this talk, because I have been asked so many times: What is God? What relationship is there? What...
“How do you love your lover? With devotion, commitment, loyalty, unconditional love and complete faith in that one person. So it should be in the same way that you love God, for, God can be impersonal or personal, depending on your depth of unconditional love...
“It is known that anything alive has energy within it. One Energy with ‘offshoots’, going into different forms of life. The human species is of wonderful creation. The body having all it needs to make it work perfectly, unless, there is disharmony and an...