“Fulfilment is something we can only truly get from experiencing a relationship with God. And freedom also comes from this relationship, before we can find this friendly loving God, we have to look to finding other things, fulfilment within our being and what we...
by Martin Cooney My (grey haired) generation is sometimes admired for our seemingly miraculous ability to do ‘complex sums in our heads’. The trouble is we were taught to learn not only our times tables by rote, but also the catechism. Dogma leads to rejection because...
by Elizabeth Guest I have been an Intuitive Counsellor for two years now and I have grown considerably in that time. I hadn’t realised the depth of what I was taking on when I was training. I was told on my training course that if the saying is, ‘Healer; Heal thyself’...
by Mariananda Exley What exciting times we live in ~ truly a time to feel our spirit moving freely and joyfully homeward bound. When I heard the names ‘SevaLight’ and read about ‘SevaLight associates’ it all fitted beautifully into place, in my thinking, and i...
by Nadine Marshall ‘Let the beauty of what you love be what you do’ ~ Rumi These words were recently gifted to me and have inspired and touched my heart as I reflect on the deep blessings of my role as a Light Worker for God~Guru and SevaLight Associate. Ah yes! There...
by Paulhansa Sawyer Challenging times… The nature of the world is becoming increasingly complex and chaotic, and it can be easy for us to be negatively affected by what we see, hear and experience. But let us always remember that we all have the power to choose our...